Your gift can help give these kids something to look forward to during these tough times. Become a monthly supporter today and make a difference all year long. On average 70% of our funds go directly towards funding events for the children we work with who have faced child abuse, 20% is allocated towards prevention materials and events to educate the public on how they can recognize and react to child abuse, and only 10% of our funds is allocated to administrative costs (website, insurance, etc.).
By supporting us monthly, you continue to help us achieve our goal of changing the lives of children who have faced abuse on a consistent basis. Encouraging, building, and assisting children overcome such a tragedy is the highest calling we are all charged with.
No donation is to small or to big. For us, every dollar counts in fighting the abuse of children. Even $1 monthly can make a difference.
Tax receipts provided upon request for any and all donations.
You choose the amount - you choose the frequency!
Your generous support and donations will enable us to continue our mission, meet our goals and improve the conditions of a child's life. Help us end child abuse.
Guardians of the Children ™ San Antonio Chapter - All Rights Reserved.
We are a 100% Volunteer Organization registered as a 501(c) (3) non-profit.
We reserve the right to refuse service to any individual or agency.